
For a marriage counseling session with Lumen Counseling, the suggested donation is $120 per session. Although, we never want finances to get in the way of someone being able to receive counsel with us. If cost were an issue, your counselor would be glad to speak with you about flexiblity, based on income.

Creating an Account & Filling Out Forms

Filling out forms and background information will help your counselor better understand your context. We ask that both spouses do the following steps prior to the first session with a marriage counselor. The following should take each spouse about 15-20 minutes:

1) Create an account with Biblicare.

2) After creating an account, you will be asked to fill out a Personal Data Inventory and Biblical Counseling Agreement (pay close attention to which Counseling Agreement you fill out - there is a different form for those who are members of Trinity Church Denver).

3) Fill out prevalent information to your current counseling need in the ‘Request Care’ pop-up.

4) A counselor will reply to your request within 48 hours to schedule an initial session.

For technical problems or general questions,
please email